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Honeywell Australia and New Zealand

  • #12 in Technology
  • > 100,000 employees

Management at Honeywell Australia and New Zealand

7.9 rating for Management, based on 9 reviews
How accessible are managers and do they make good mentors? You may want to address internal communication, performance feedback or praise and recognition.
I have a good manager, but it is very dependent on the person.
Graduate, Auckland
The managers are very respectful and understanding. They are very easy to get along with. They are also very helpful when you're trying to find answers to questions you don't know.
Graduate, Perth
My manager is very busy with other jobs, he doesn't have much time to dedicate to managing his team. He is a very nice person but I can imagine it's hard to balance everything. Not a lot of communication for performance, improvements or feedback except mandatory evaluation twice a year
They've been solid through a tough time for the business. They really need to focus on the day-to-day a lot, and that leaves limited time for reaching out to individuals to check in with them. I appreciate that they're trying their best though. Performance feedback comes through formal channels twice a year at our performance reviews, and we receive praise and recognition at team meetings if it is warranted.
Graduate, Melbourne
I am in constant contact with my superior manager through call or internal instant messaging. During the initial parts of the graduate program I had monthly progress meetings. Performance reviews happen every 6 months which is frequent enough
Graduate, Melbourne