Updating Results

Suntory Oceania

  • #3 in Retail & consumer goods
  • 1,000 - 50,000 employees

Salary at Suntory Oceania

6.0 rating for Salary, based on 12 reviews
What are your thoughts on pay and bonuses at your company?
Not changing with times of inflation
Graduate, Auckland
There is a general understanding that most people in the business are paid below market rate, and that there is a disparity between junior staff and the executive team. There has been no indication to me that I am eligible for a bonus, and no benchmarks set for me to work against to earn one.
Graduate, Sydney
Good bonus scheme that integrates in to your KPI's but the salaries aren't as competitive as elsewhere. However if this is the overriding decision making factor perhaps Frucor isn't the right fit anyway.
Midlevel, Auckland
The salary for full time workers isn't as competitive as other companies.
Experienced, Auckland
The great working culture makes up for the lack of pay.
Graduate, Auckland
Competitive salary for my position.
Graduate, Auckland
Not too sure, but 5% incentives seems nice.
Graduate, Auckland
The pay could be more competitive.
Graduate, Auckland
What are your company's best or most unusual perks? For example: free tickets, free dinners, moving expenses, taxis, pension, etc.
Complementary Frucor Suntory products while on site, and a day off on your Birthday! Frucor Suntory also encourages giving back to our society, and makes a day of volunteer leave available for everyone in the company.
Graduate, Auckland
Away days (holiday with your team), free dentist cover & Frucor Fiesta (free day at Rainbows End for you and your family!)
Graduate, Auckland
Perks include: staff sales, Rainbows End tickets, life insurance, merch, flexible working, opportunities to travel for work etc.
Graduate, Auckland
There are no perks associated with my position.
Graduate, Sydney
Free rainbows end tickets, endless (non-alcoholic) drinks supply at work, Friday drinks
Midlevel, Auckland
Frucor day to get a day around your birthday off
Experienced, Auckland
Staff sales - you get drinks at a very reduced rate. Team connection days - you get to spend days off site to connect with your team.
Graduate, Auckland
Free drinks on site.
Graduate, Auckland
You get a day off on your birthday, team off-sites, purchase products at the staff shop at a discount.
Graduate, Auckland
Staff stock
Graduate, Sydney