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Suntory Oceania

  • #3 in Retail & consumer goods
  • 1,000 - 50,000 employees

Management at Suntory Oceania

8.8 rating for Management, based on 12 reviews
How accessible are managers and do they make good mentors? You may want to address internal communication, performance feedback or praise and recognition.
Super accessible, always willing to chat and give guidance. Very lucky to have them so close to me.
Graduate, Auckland
The managers I have worked with are very focused on your career development and enable you to focus on your goals. They are also very supportive and approachable.
Graduate, Auckland
Our managers are all incredible in different ways. By going through the grad program I had the opportunity to figure out what management style works best for me and how I respond to this. Upper level management is also heavily integrated/involved and I have had numerous 1:1 discussions with our CEO
Midlevel, Auckland
Managers are good at giving recognition and performance feedback. they are very supportive of both work and personal development
Experienced, Auckland
Management is great - they are invested in helping you achieve your career goals.
Graduate, Auckland
Managers are very good mentors, give good feedback and are very helpful and willing to lend time to help me learn.
Graduate, Auckland
My manager is flexible and understanding , give room for me to grow and give me clear instructions when I need it, when I made mistake, instead of making me feel bad, my manager will help me and teach me how to avoid making the same mistake next time.
Graduate, Auckland
A majority of my managers were easily accessible and I felt well supported when needed. Performance feedback and recognition is often received when requested otherwise there's a values recognition program which allows anyone to recognise our peers.
Graduate, Auckland