Updating Results

Suntory Oceania

  • #3 in Retail & consumer goods
  • 1,000 - 50,000 employees

Diversity at Suntory Oceania

9.3 rating for Diversity, based on 11 reviews
Please provide further information on diversity with respect to women, ethnic minorities and LGBT. Please comment on issues such as recruitment, retention, promotion, child care, maternity leave, etc.
We have multiple different employee impact groups which make up our "Diversity and Inclusion Council". These groups drive change and raise awareness for all diverse groups!
Graduate, Auckland
Really really inclusive, great maternity leave policies I believe. We have EIGs for all of these issues.
Graduate, Auckland
This is something that I am incredibly proud of Frucor for. We have a diversity and inclusion program that focuses not only on gender and culture but the much broader picture. If you bring something new or different to the team this is welcomed with open arms and congratulated.
Midlevel, Auckland
Frucor creates a very inclusive environment for everyone from all backgrounds
Experienced, Auckland
There is great maternity leave for both men and women.
Graduate, Auckland
Very committed to diversity.
Graduate, Auckland
The company promotes diversity and inclusion with the launch of the EIG (Employee Impact Group) which values a diverse workforce and allows everyone to bring their whole self to work. They also offer equal paid parental leave.
Graduate, Auckland
What does your company do to attract applicants from less privileged backgrounds?
We work closely with our internal and external recruitment teams to ensure fair processes are carried out and that a role is filled by the best applicant, not the most accessible one.
Midlevel, Auckland
Job applications are open to anyone that meet the requirements.
Graduate, Auckland