Updating Results

Tatauranga Aotearoa | Stats NZ

  • #6 in Government & public service
  • 1,000 - 50,000 employees

Training & Personal Development at Tatauranga Aotearoa | Stats NZ

7.0 rating for Training, based on 6 reviews
Please describe the training programmes at your company and tell us what skills you've picked up.
So far, I have complete Stats NZ Ako modules and they were very informative about how the organization works. I also completed a course about the Statistical Business Register and that explained to me more about it is and how I can use it.
Intern, Wellington
Not much again.
Graduate, Wellington
Plenty of courses/workshops available to development further. Courses span te ao Māori, te reo Māori, confidentiality, diversity etc. Can be a bit hard to get involved in BAU, especially during busy periods.
Graduate, Wellington
Pretty much a lot of things around politics and writing, I'm learning about. Skills: book meetings on microsoft teams/outlook write up one-pager summary improved at research
Intern, Wellington
quite satisfied with internal training
Intern, Wellington