Updating Results

Reckitt Australia & New Zealand

  • #7 in Retail & consumer goods
  • 1,000 - 50,000 employees

Diversity at Reckitt Australia & New Zealand

7.8 rating for Diversity, based on 17 reviews
Please provide further information on diversity with respect to women, ethnic minorities and LGBT. Please comment on issues such as recruitment, retention, promotion, child care, maternity leave, etc.
Focus on promoting and calling out diversity issues within the business. Good to see women with children/those not doing 5 days per week being promoted. Parental leave policy is good.
Graduate, Sydney
I am enjoying the lunchtime meetings on issues of diversity e.g. women in the corporate world
Graduate, Sydney
Reckitt's commitment to diversity has really shown over the last couple of months with a panelist during Mardi Gras and a recent company call about Women in the Workplace where they encouraged open conversations about pay, leave, gender gaps in departments and overall how they are portrayed in the workplace. It's a Work In Progress but it's promising to see these conversations being held here at Reckitt.
Graduate, Sydney
Recruitment training on biases, D&I council with lots of initiatives, great parental leave policy, etc. Really good in this space!
Midlevel, Sydney
Commitment is there and initiatives are beginning to take effect
Graduate, Sydney
Recently there has been an improvement in work life balance with the intention of retaining women in particular. As RB is a fast paced and long hour's work place, women find it more difficult to manage as often, they are responsible for children in a family.
Entry level, Sydney
What does your company do to attract applicants from less privileged backgrounds?