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Jacobs New Zealand

  • #8 in Engineering consulting
  • 50,000 - 100,000 employees

Working Hours at Jacobs New Zealand

7.9 rating for Working Hours, based on 33 reviews
How flexible is your company when it comes to hours?
Very flexible, and accommodating hours to personal commitments etc.
Graduate, Adelaide
8 hours per day excluding lunch, so around 8.5hrs per day. Extremely flexible and open about where and how you get those hours done. Office policy is hybrid working - working from home and from the office in the way that works for you personally.
Graduate, Melbourne
Very flexible - If I wanted to I could shuffle my 40 hours around across the working week to fit my requirements.
Graduate, Auckland
work is flexible. Unfortunately can't use office much due to covid restrictions which impacts ability to work.
Graduate, Christchurch
40 hour week, be available from 8-5 if full time but generally flexible with what hours you work and are ok with working around appointments and whatnot
Graduate, Brisbane
Very flexible. I work from home a couple days a week which is great.
Graduate, Adelaide
very flexible
Graduate, Melbourne
I generally work full time in the office unless I have other requirements to be at home. My workplace is flexible in when I work my hours and where those hours are worked from.
Graduate, Hobart
Pretty flexible, in allowing people to work whatever hours suit them best as long as this is communicated with your team
Graduate, Melbourne
Incredibly flexible. I can come in and leave when I want to. I can choose my working hours and that is one of the most incredible things about the company.
Graduate, Perth
I try to stick to my 40 hours a week and I value my work/life balance. I am happy to work longer when necessary. Work is very flexible with hours and I am happy to have an appointment in the middle of the day and make those hours up later
Graduate, Christchurch
As a graduate, I find the work hours to be typically quite good. This would vary between different teams and can also change depending on the urgency of work due, but is typically flexible.
Graduate, Sydney
Work hours vary depending on project needs. Jacobs is very flexible when it comes to hours which is great. We can choose to work at home or the office every day, or a mix of both.
Graduate, Sydney
The company promotes flexibility. The biggest constraint would be requirements of the project that you're working on. So as long as your hours fit those requirements, then it's possible to have flexible hours.
Graduate, Sydney
Standard hours at the moment.
Graduate, Auckland
Flexible work hours
Graduate, Wellington
Pretty flexible, I can start late and finish later (aligns with my preferences).
Graduate, Melbourne
The company is very flexible, I'm constantly impressed.
Graduate, Melbourne
Extremely flexible
Graduate, Perth
Standard 8 hour working day - happy to put in more hours if necessary to meet deadlines
Graduate, Brisbane

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