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  • 1,000 - 50,000 employees

Luke Duffy

What I have enjoyed most about the program has been the opportunities given to me through networking. Ixom has a great environment for recognizing people for the work that they do.

I work in the projects team, but my role has varied significantly through my rotations, from chemical engineer at the Botany Chloralkali Plant (CAP), Working in the Safety, Health and environment (SHE) team, through to the projects team. These rotations each provided me with a unique opportunity to test myself and learn more about what it means to be an engineer.

At the CAP I was able to apply my knowledge of chemistry and engineering, troubleshooting various problems and exploring opportunities for improvement. It was a fantastic opportunity to learn more about the day to day operations and challenges faced by engineers in a manufacturing environment. Right away I was impressed by the meaningful work that was assigned to me and the satisfaction of solving a problem was unbeatable.

The SHE team was especially challenging for me, though it also came with awesome opportunities to see the back end of how SHE is incorporated into engineering design, participating in Hazard studies, investigating incidents, and looking into how companies like Ixom, can use technology to improve safety company wide.

The Projects team is really what all engineers envision their career to be during study. Taking a project from concept, through feasibility studies, process design and detailed design. As a grad I was assigned the role of project manager for quite significant projects, carrying them through from concept through to implementation, liaising with different work groups, contractors and site managers, it really is the quintessential engineering experience.

What I have enjoyed most about the program has been the opportunities given to me through networking. Ixom has a great environment for recognizing people for the work that they do, some of my most significant accomplishments at Ixom have come not from my manager, but from networking through the graduate conference, sharing my passion for automation and working on projects that are of interest to me, and benefit the organisation as a whole.

My advice: The more complex a problem you face, the more it needs a simple solution.