Updating Results

Bank of New Zealand

  • #1 in Banking & financial services
  • 1,000 - 50,000 employees

Office & Workplace at Bank of New Zealand

7.8 rating for Workplace, based on 10 reviews
Please comment on your company's office space, location and facilities. And while we're at it, please tell us a little about the dress code.
Dress for your day, pretty chill. office is pretty clean, location is good although very expensive to park
Other (Please specify), Christchurch
They're always clean, well lit and largely functional. It's a pretty poor view. Dress code is really anything goes within reason. T-shirt and even shorts seem to be fine for me.
Graduate, Wellington
Facilities are great so is the dress code.
Graduate, Wellington
Technology, office cleanliness, furniture, could all be improved. Dress code is good.
Graduate, Auckland
BNZ has well equipped office's with plenty of space, facility and in a good central location. The dress code is generally smart, but follows a dress for your day protocol.
Graduate, Wellington
Dress Code - dress for the day (so casual)
Graduate, Wellington
Dress code is business casual and up
Graduate, Wellington