Updating Results

Auckland Transport

  • #7 in Government & public service
  • 1,000 - 50,000 employees

Job Satisfaction at Auckland Transport

6.9 rating for Job Satisfaction, based on 11 reviews
Please comment on your role and day-to-day responsibilities.
Managing and planning expenditure of 4 business units
Graduate, Auckland
Working on automating some processes for regular reporting that used to be manual, complex and time consuming
Graduate, Auckland
Marketing activities such as coordination of design studio, creative and media agency. Managing timelines and budgets, writing briefs etc.
Graduate, Auckland
I work in a high impact role that has a direct impact of the future of the organisation and Auckland as a whole
My role is very fulfilling. I get to work on Auckland-wide reports, manage projects and provide input to improving transport networks.
Graduate, Auckland
Help my manager manage projects from the client perspective. Tasks can include reviewing plans, acquiring tenders etc.
Graduate, Auckland