Updating Results

Auckland Transport

  • #7 in Government & public service
  • 1,000 - 50,000 employees

Culture at Auckland Transport

7.5 rating for Culture, based on 11 reviews
Please describe your company's culture both in the office and after hours. Let us know about the structure and hierarchy, cooperation and teamwork, and socialising amongst colleagues.
All depends on your team, most are excellent. Great social grad culture
Graduate, Auckland
Right words going around but hard to see results. Might do with more comfort with confrontation.
Graduate, Auckland
The company is filled with passionate and supportive individuals who have a common vision to make Auckland a better place. Everyone's very supportive and there's no shortage of help or advice.
Graduate, Auckland
Good work culture, nice people. I think after work hours socialising depends on the team but is overall there. Team work both within teams and cross functionally is strongly encouraged which is nice to meet different people and get a broader understand/experience of the business.
Graduate, Auckland
Great company culture. Diverse groups of people all over the office. Easy to mix and mingle. Everyone respects that you have a life outside of work.
Graduate, Auckland
Very easy going culture within my team and most other teams from what i have seen. Colleagues enjoy after work functions regularly. Company is caring as a whole.
Graduate, Auckland