Updating Results

Schneider Electric Australia & New Zealand

  • #10 in Technology
  • > 100,000 employees

Training & Personal Development at Schneider Electric Australia & New Zealand

7.6 rating for Training, based on 21 reviews
Please describe the training programmes at your company and tell us what skills you've picked up.
Learn everyday is a core value and Schneider really provides opportunity to do that.
Graduate, Brisbane
Most of the training is online through pre recorded videos which is extremely hard to engage with. I felt there was a lack of structure to my training for being so early in my career.
Graduate, Brisbane
Learning every day is not just a saying, it is a core company value that I experienced first-hand. Lots of training with the direction guided by conversations with you and your manager.
Graduate, Melbourne
Completed a lot of online learning modules and also instructor led training sessions. on job training has been good as colleagues are very open to help and teach
Graduate, Melbourne
I have learnt a lot by doing. There are not many helpful formal programs for new roles but the people in the adjacent and supervisory roles are very helpful
Graduate, Benalla
Workshops, informal training from our online platform
Graduate, Sydney
The training internally is good, there is plenty of modules to complete, in order to upskill in what you need.
Graduate, Melbourne
Training and development is a core value of the company, and training hours are implemented into my work week, the company is great in terms of skill development
Graduate, Sydney
we have online learning courses about SE essentiials (trust, cybersecurity, ergonomics, etc.) and job specific products/software. If needed, we go to third party for example like completing training for white card.
Graduate, Sydney
Formal training is great if you want to learn the basics, but it can be dry sometimes. On the job training is the best way to learn and you can ask more targeted questions to your peers when you're actually doing your job.
Graduate, Melbourne