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BCD Group

  • #11 in Engineering consulting
  • 100 - 500 employees

Working Hours at BCD Group

8.2 rating for Working Hours, based on 13 reviews
How flexible is your company when it comes to hours?
Very flexible and understanding if required to go to appointments etc.
Graduate, Tauranga
I often will stay in the office longer/get to work early because I enjoy the work I am doing. I really like how flexible BCD are with being able to make up hours where you have appointments etc., or starting early and finishing early as long as you're doing your set hours.
Graduate, Hamilton
They pretty good with you leaving early if you need and and coming in late as long as your work your contracted hours, i often find myslef working extra
Graduate, Hamilton
To my understanding my hours are between 8:30 - 5 but I think there is a little flexability in starting a little earlier and finishing a little earlier as long as ive done my job.
Graduate, Tauranga
Very flexible.
Graduate, Hamilton
I work 8.30-5.00pm Monday to Friday, sometimes i might be required to do extra hours to get a job out but i can recover the time later in the week or the next week. My company seems very flexible if i need time off it is easily approved and they are very understanding/flexible when it comes to life outside of work.
Graduate, Hamilton
It is busy which I think it is good. I do need to work extra hours to complete the tasks in time.
Graduate, Hamilton
Very flexible what I like, I can take long lunches to go the gym which i really enjoy and can work late, start early or do weekends if i need.
Graduate, Hamilton
Feels very flexible and allows time off where necessary
Graduate, Tauranga
As a graduate youre expected to work from 8:30 - 4:30pm. Working from home is also a valid option when youre not feeling too well
Graduate, Hamilton
If you need to take the morning or afternoon off, majority of time they are pretty flexible
Graduate, Tauranga