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BCD Group

  • #11 in Engineering consulting
  • 100 - 500 employees

Management at BCD Group

8.0 rating for Management, based on 13 reviews
How accessible are managers and do they make good mentors? You may want to address internal communication, performance feedback or praise and recognition.
Satisfied with the immediate managers, as for the higher ups it took me a while to meet them. Praise and recognition comes internally from the team
Graduate, Tauranga
I am very happy with how approachable my manager and my mentors. They are always more than happy to help. Sometimes it is hard to obtain ready feedback/help from them as she is in Tauranga but her emails, comments and meetings tend to be really useful.
Graduate, Hamilton
I am very happy with my mangers, they all super easy to talk to across each team and so are the office managers, they all super friendly to each other and make good jokes which sets a good retirement to be around.
Graduate, Hamilton
It can be quite hard to get ahold of my geotechnical manager, but hes a very busy man so I understand completely. We have other senior engineers we can contact if we get completely stuck which is nice. Once my manager looks at something ive done, usually he calls me and explains what ive done wrong and things to look out for, for next time, so that is really helpful.
Graduate, Tauranga
The management are very approachable. Not sure if they make good mentors as I have not approached them in that way. There is not as much feedback on performance so that i can improve, basically could have more critical feedback. However praise, recognition and communication are 10/10
Graduate, Hamilton
I am satisfied with management they always make time for me if i need to talk or even to help me with my work/tasks, they are excellent mentors and are always showing me new things to make my job easier/more efficient. Internal communication is good and i enjoy reviving praise when it occurs.
Graduate, Hamilton
I like my manager. We have a young team. The leaders are full of passions and fun. My manager does make a good mentor.
Graduate, Hamilton
Very good realationship with mentors and managers, I sit in a sandwich between my mentor and manager so have great interaction and communication with them
Graduate, Hamilton
They are accessible and make good mentors
Graduate, Tauranga
Managers are often busy with calls / meetings or other tasks making it hard to communicate with them at times. They prefer you to report to your senior instead.
Graduate, Hamilton
Similar to all jobs and people some are easier to approach than others
Graduate, Tauranga