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Analytics and Research in Government

  • #1 in Government & public service
  • 1,000 - 50,000 employees

Working Hours at Analytics and Research in Government

9.3 rating for Working Hours, based on 10 reviews
How flexible is your company when it comes to hours?
Standard 40-hour working week. Very flexible and understanding.
Intern, Wellington
WFH once a week was standard within the team; very flexible and was a choice which day you chose - i.e., text team WhatsApp on the morning.
Intern, Wellington
Very flexible 9-5 weekdays
Intern, Wellington
It's very flexible with bot hours and working from home arrangements.
Intern, Wellington
Generally my team started fairly early, but as long as you get the work done it's flexible. Also have a basically unlimited work from home policy
Intern, Wellington
7.5 a day
Graduate, Wellington
No one cares! As long as I get my work done, and if not Iam comfortable with telling my manager if my workload is too much.
Midlevel, Wellington