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Analytics and Research in Government

  • #1 in Government & public service
  • 1,000 - 50,000 employees

Salary at Analytics and Research in Government

7.1 rating for Salary, based on 10 reviews
What are your thoughts on pay and bonuses at your company?
Good internship rate.
Intern, Wellington
The intern pay at MfE was living wage ($22.75)
Intern, Christchurch
I got paid living wage, which's pretty good for an intern.
Intern, Wellington
As internship pay goes, it's pretty good. Govt departments have to pay at least living wage, which is more than can be said for plenty of places
Intern, Wellington
Really good for an entry-level role.
Midlevel, Wellington
What are your company's best or most unusual perks? For example: free tickets, free dinners, moving expenses, taxis, pension, etc.
Lots of internship events. Work morning teas.
Intern, Wellington
I know interns get paid travel expenses if they had to move. Other than that, nothing really fancy - the kitchen has really nice hot chocolate?
Midlevel, Wellington